The Fine Volunteer Crew
Da BOSS(es):
Ed Hackett
Finance Minister:
Thurs dinner:
Derek, HMarc & Rolf
Thurs dessert:
The Hartshorns
Fri breakfast:
Brett Parker
Fri dinner:
David Mather
Sat breakfast:
Jim Harriger
Sat dinner:
Shasta Willson
Sat dessert:
The Dessert Queens
Sun breakfast:
Coffee Boss:
Fryer Martin & Carol
UberBeverages Boss:
Web stuff:
H Marc Lewis
First Aid:
Karen Vicker
Sunday AM Policing:
Garbage Boss:
Bob Actis
Restroom Boss:
Mens: tbd
Womens: tbd
Womens: tbd
On the bench:
see Minions
Awards Presentation:
Carl & ???
The "Help" (aka "Minions")
The food bosses in particular need help with food prep, serving and
cleanup. Check the Minions
list showing folks who have volunteered thus far, and what meal they may be
helping with.