Getting Started As Boss

Maintained by: Carl Paukstis

This Site (Perpetually) Under Construction

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Thinking about it?

If you're considering a stint as BOSS, you really should take a few minutes to discuss your intentions and ideas with a Board member. You'll gain a realistic expectation of the role, and make an informed decision about whether being a Gather BOSS is for you.

Some BOSSes have jumped from being a campground admirer and pot scrubbing volunteer to being the Boss. Some discovered all sorts of wisdom and lore that either was never communicated or failed to sink in. They learned many lessons a bit too late to be of use in the current year. Some suggest that the Boss should be among those who have previously had a major role - such as food boss or transportation/shopping boss. An unprepared Boss is not a pretty sight, especially in a crowded Costco.


The best time to volunteer to Boss a Gather is just before, during, or immediately following the Gather. Everybody is feeling happy and friendly and cooperative. Fine places have been seen; fine rides have been ridden. You're thinking "I could do this!". Gather Glow provides a wealth of happy, friendly and cooperative volunteers. As the year progresses and Gather Glow ebbs, enlisting volunteers becomes more difficult. Timing your announcement is critical since suitable site reservations must be made early.


The "How To" pages, of which this is a part, are your starting point. In addition, templates and spreadsheets are available that contain historical data on shopping, expenses, organization and notes. There's also a "GBOSS" mailing list where former Bosses stand ready to give you the benefit of their experience and support.

Do it!

A successful Gather begins with the Boss. The Boss is self-appointed by naming a site, date and declaring intentions on the GPNDG mailing list. Prior to the declaration, the Boss must first select and reserve a suitable site. Limited site availability requires that site reservations be made nearly a year in advance. To accomplish this, open secret discussions are held with the Finance Minister and her minions the Board. Once a Gather site is secured and your intentions announced, you're the BOSS.