Great Pacific Northwest
Dryside Gather
Beth on the Slut
The 23rd Annual GPNDG
August 7-10, 2014
Crescent Lake, OR

Google Maps:   43.492736, -121.962605
or   N 43° 29' 34" — W 121° 57' 34"

The Fine Volunteer Crew

Da BOSS(es):
Shannon Kelley
Finance Minister:
Thurs dinner:
GaryK &SSMark
Fri Breakfast:
Fri dinner:
Sat breakfast:
SSJoanne & Derek
Sat dinner:
Sat dessert:
The Dessert Queens
Sun breakfast:
Coffee Boss:
Fryer Martin & Carol
UberBeverages Boss:
Dave Morgan & Frank Tyler
Web stuff:
H Marc Lewis
First Aid:
Rob Kindred
Sunday AM Policing:
Garbage Boss:
Sandra & Cindy
Restroom Boss:
Awards Presentation:
Carl & Shannon

The "Help"

The food bosses in particular need help with food prep, serving and cleanup. Here's the list of folks who have volunteered thus far, and what meal they will be helping with.