Great Pacific Northwest
Dryside Gather
Beth on the Slut
An extended weekend of motorcycle camping generally held in the Pacific Northwest in the States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California (so far). We are a diverse but very open minded crowd, and welcome everyone. Most of us subscribe to the WetLeather™, Oregon Biker Scum, or GPNDG mailing lists. We sorta spun off of the DoD back in the early 90's, but remember our roots. Most of us still ride to the event, but every year there are more cages and trucks. Oh, and the food is outstanding — some say, somewhat jokingly, that we are a food group with a motorcycle problem...

Visit the WetAid page for karma bank deposits...

The Next Event

2025 Crescent Lake, Oregon
The 34th Gather will be held July 17th, 2025 at Crescent Lake, Oregon, with Tony Jones again as BOSS.

Previous Years

2024 Port Angeles, Washington
The 33rd Gather was held July 25th, 2024 at Clallam County Fairground with Ed Hackett as BOSS.
2023 Eagle Lake, California
The 32nd Gather was held August 10th, 2023 at Eagle Lake, California with Tony Jones (Esq.) as BOSS.
2022 Port Angeles, Washington
The 31st Gather was held July 21st, 2022 at Clallam County Fairground. Ed Hackett was Da BOSS.
2021 Ashland, OR (Hyatt Lake Recreation Area)
The 30th Gather got re-scheduled last minute due to forest fires and was held near Ashland, OR. Ed Guzman was DaBOSS.
2020 The Year of the Covid-19 Dumpster Fire
The 29th Gather didn't take place due to the pandemic...
2019 Maryhill State Park, Washington
The 28th Gather was held Auguest 21st – 15th, 2019 at Maryhill State Park, near the central OR/WA border where we Gathered in 2008 and 1010. Rolf Vitous was Da Boss.
2018 Port Angeles, Washington
The 27th Gather was held June 28th – July 1st, 2018 at the Clallam County Fairgrounds on the Olympic Peninsula with Ed Hackett as Da Boss...
2017 Crescent Lake, Oregon
The 26th Gather was held Auguest 18th – 22nd, 2017 so that attendees could witness the Total Solar Eclipse, the path of which crossed the north-central part of Oregon. Bob 'bjet' Taylor was Da Boss...
2016 Eagle Lake, CA (Lassen National Forest)
The 25th Gather was held July 21st through July 24th, 2016 (Thursday thru Sunday) at the same spot where we Gathered in 2007 and 2011. MiG (with able Sub-Bosses Stevo & Sandra) handled BOSSing duties.
2015 White Bird, Idaho
The 24th Gather was held July 23rd through July 26th, 2015 (Thursday thru Sunday) at the Swiftwater RV Park on the banks of the Salmon River, where we held the 21st Gather. The WetLeather Secret Cabal BOSSed...
2014 Crescent Lake, Oregon
The 23rd Gather — was held back at Crescent Lake, our 6th time there! The dates were August 7-10, 2014 (Thursday thru Sunday), with BOSS duties assumed by The Finance Minister & Her Minions.
2013 Kettle Falls, Washington
The 22nd Gather — was held August 22nd through August 25th, 2013 (Thursday thru Sunday) at the Locust Group Camp area near Kettle Falls, WA on the banks of Lake Roosevelt (aka the Columbia River). Robynn Coulter was Da BOSS.
2012 White Bird, Idaho
The 21st Gather was held August 9th through August 12th, 2012 (Thursday thru Sunday) at the Swiftwater RV Park on the banks of the Salmon River. HMarc was Da BOSS.
2011 Eagle Lake, CA (Lassen National Forest)
The 20th Gather was held August 18th through August 21st, 2011 (Thursday thru Sunday) at the same spot where we Gathered in 2007, with Ed Hackett as Da BOSS.
2010 Maryhill State Park, Washington
The 19th Gather August 12th through August 15th, 2010 (Thursday thru Sunday) was held for the 2nd time near the central OR/WA border where we Gathered in 2008.
2009 Dworshak State Park, Idaho
August 6, 7, 8, 9, 2009 (Thursday thru Sunday), with boss duties assumed para la tercera vez by Ed "Gooz" Guzman. Also our 3rd time at Three Meadows Group Campground (It has a bitch'n kitchen!). See the Webpage for details...
2008 Maryhill State Park, Washington
The 17th Gather — July 31st through August 3rd, 2008 (Thursday thru Sunday) will be held near the central OR/WA border, and BOSSed by Rolf Vitous. Registration open now — see the Webpage for details...
2007 Eagle Lake, California
The 16th Gather — August 23-26, 2007 (Thursday thru Sunday), with mad scientist Ed Hackett as BOSS — Registration opening sometime in the Spring of '07. See the Webpage for details...
2006 Crescent Lake, Oregon
The 15th running — and our 5th visit to Crescent Lake! Held August 24-27, 2006 (Thursday thru Sunday), with boss duties assumed by Ed 'Gooz' Guzman. See the Webpage for details...
2005 Dworshak State Park, Idaho
August 11, 12, 13, 14, 2005 (Thursday thru Sunday), with boss duties assumed by The 2005 Secret Cabal. At Three Meadows Group Campground again (we really love this place!). See the Webpage for details...
2004 Daroga State Park, Washington
Phil and Debb Kopp were the co-BOSSes for the lucky 13th GPNDG which returned to the state of Washington for the first time this millenium (actually it's been 7 years since the last Washington Gather). The 2004 GPNDG was held midweek this year, from Monday July 5th through Thursday, July 8th.
2003 Crescent Lake, Oregon
Mark Morrissey was Da Boss for the 12th GPNDG which returned to Crescent Lake for a 4th time. The 2003 GPNDG was held August 14th through 17th.
2002 Dworshak State Park, Idaho
Ed (Gooz) Guzman declared himself Da Boss and chose to use again 2001's excellent Idaho Panhandle site. The 11th annual event was held the weekend before Labor Day. See the Web page for details.
2001 Dworshak State Park, Idaho
Carl Paukstis decided to be Boss and selected the first Idaho Gather site, near Orofino and close to some great riding of all kinds. The 10th annual event was held the weekend following the 4th of July observation. See the Web page for details. Post-GPNDG photos from Gary & Shannon Kelley.
2000 Crescent Lake, Oregon
Shannon and Gary Kelley Bossed once again and selected the popular central Oregon site for the 9th annual event. The Y2K GPNDG started on Thursday night, July 13th, 2000. See the Web page for details.
1999 Trinity Lake, California
The 8th GPNDG was held for the first time in California, under the most excellent Bossness of Mike Chaplin. The Web page has several links to photo pages taken by attendees. New standards were set, new faces were there, and there was music again!
1998 Crescent Lake, Oregon
The 7th GPNDG is now history. BJET (aka Bob Taylor) did an outstanding job as The Boss. The weather was great, but the Dessert Line was stupendous! The 1st Annual "BlackBear 100" 50cc 'event' was a big success, and the "Old Guys" (Team Squidicus Sandbageri Old Guyz) kicked butt...
1997 Crescent Lake, Oregon
The 6th GPNDG was the biggest yet! Shannon Kelley was THE BOSS in '97 and she chose an excellent site. Here's who signed up and maps to the campsite. Leigh Ann and Annwn played "gonzo Celtic rock" (wonderfully) for us again...
1996 Republic, Washington
And some think this was the best Gather to date. We had live music (courtesy of Leigh Ann and Annwn). Some maps to the site. The viewpoints from BlackBear and Mickey Lyngholm, and some photographs from Terry Powell.
1995 Kaner Flats, Washington
Some think this was the best Gather ever. The original Announcement, and some stories & pictures collected by Frank Hilliard. Terry Powell was again THE BOSS.
1994 Kaner Flats, Washington
Terry Powell found this site, and was THE BOSS. The food took a serious turn for the better with Terry and Laurel's efforts.
1993 White Pass, Washington
Cool campsite, but no water and a 'challenging' dirt road for some. Martin & Carol started the Beignet tradition here.
1992 White Pass, Washington
The roots of the event. A fairly small number of us showed up, Jeff Earls checked our tire pressure (Gina won/lost with 17psi), and the single outhouse reeked. The river was nice.

Want to BOSS a Gather yourself? Here's how to do it.

The Mailing List

To get the latest info on GPNDG™, join the mailing list! Send a message to

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The idea for a Great Pacific Northwest Dryside Gather™ came from Bill Johns (alias "da Pope") and Vic Swan as they were riding home from the 1991 Joust. Above is the chronology of the various Gathers™ that have taken place since...

The terms "Great Pacific Northwest Dryside Gather", "GPNDG", "Dry Side Gather", and "Gather" (as applied to motorcycle campouts) are trademarks of GPNDG, Inc.,a Washington non-profit corporation.

Last updated: 29-Feb-2019