Tentative "Help" Lists
These are the lists of folks who are scheduled (loosely) to work on the various meals.
If you are on one of these meal lists, and CANNOT help, please contact the meal boss ASAP.
I'm sure we can find replacements, but the earlier we know the better.
This is just pre-emptive scheduling, so we don't end up with a small crew that
ends up doing all the work. At this Gather, I expect EVERYONE to volunteer to help
with one meal, unless they are already a "boss" (e.g. garbage boss, restroom boss, etc.)
Wednesday Boss'es Dinner
Carl, Rhonda, Shannon, Gary, Marc, Wanda
Thursday Dinner
Gary & SSMark, Wendy, Mark Morland
Thursday Dessert
Nikki, Mike Chaplin
Friday Breakfast
Robynn, JC, Brian Poppe, Rob Scott, Brett Parker, Phil & Debb, Truman
Friday Dinner
Shasta, Jack, Adrian, Mike Chaplin, Debb
Friday Dessert
Shasta, Mike Chaplin, Debb
Saturday Breakfast
Jim H, Brian Poppe, Ed Hackett, Phil & Debb, Martin & Carol, Steve G., Rob Scott
Saturday Dinner
HMarc, Wanda, Rhonda, Carl, Gooz, Terry Powell, Debb & Phil, Derek
Saturday Dessert
The Dessert Queens