[GPNDG] 2001

The 10th annual GPNDG!

July 5-July 8, 2001


  • For Gather 2001 we have obtained permission to pitch tents on the "Activity Field", but all vehicles must remain in designated parking areas at all times. (Yes, this includes motorcycles) You must carry your tent and sleeping gear to your tent site, not drive your bike over to drop it off. The lawns and grassy areas at this site are very fragile because of the extremely dry climate, and this year is shaping up to be even drier than usual. If the grass is damaged, it likely will not get enough water to recover.

  • State wide Idaho park policy is zero tolerance for any type of fireworks within park boundaries. This includes all of Three Meadows Group Camp. In addition, Dworshak State Park property is leased from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and therefore subject to their federal rules and regulations. They also enforce zero tolerance. The same is true of the Forest Service. State and county laws essentially state that if it "goes up or blows up", it's against the law. In addition, individuals in the state of Idaho who start a structure or forest fire are liable for the entire cost of damages and fire suppression. It is already looking to be a potentially bad fire year.

  • All Idaho State Park rules are in effect, and we have agreed to obey them.

    Thanks for understanding and cooperating.

    (Text below is taken directly from the reservation form Carl signed)

    1. We encourage you to leave your pets at home. However, if you do bring your pets, they must be kept on a leash that is no more than 6 feet in length. Pets are not permitted in any of the buildings.

    2. The lodge may not be used as a sleeping area.

    3. The cabins may not be used to sleep in excess of the bed capacity - i.e. no more than 12 persons per sleeping cabin.

    4. Smoking is not permitted in any of the buildings.

    5. Camp fires and Barbecue grills are permitted in designated areas only.

    6. Vehicles are not permitted off of established roadways, this includes Off-road vehicles, such as dirt bikes and four - wheelers. All vehicles must be licensed and operated by licensed drivers. All Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation and State of Idaho laws pertaining to motor vehicle operation apply.

    7. Tents may be erected in designated areas only.

    8. All Regulations of the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation are in effect at Camp Three Meadows.


    (Taken directly from the reservation form Carl signed)

    1. All groups are responsible for cleaning prior to departure. Facilities must be left in the same condition as upon arrival. this includes the showers, toilets, sinks, floors, mirrors, cabins, lodge, kitchen area and equipment, as well as any/all areas that are used.

    2. Groups must pay all fees that are in effect at the time of use. All fees must be paid at the time of departure unless you have written approval to do otherwise.

    3. Groups will be held responsible for any damage or loss of camp equipment.

    4. Groups will be responsible for collecting all trash and litter and depositing it into the Freeman Creek dumpster.

    5. The park manager shall have the authority to restrict the use of any building, area, equipment, or facility when it is judged that such use may be detrimental to the health and safety of the user group, or to state property. This may include restricting the use of commercial kitchen appliances to qualified cooks only.

    6. Cooking and Cleaning Marerials: The park will provide cleaning detergents, brooms, mops, glass cleaner, trash bags, and grill bricks for the commercial ranges. Groups must bring dish washing detergent and any disposable items needed for cooking or cleaning.

    7. The group leader must advise camp staff immediately of any accidents occurring to any member of the group and of any damages to state property.