GPNDG the Great Pacific Northwest Dryside Gather |
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1999 |
August 6-8, 1999 Trinity Lake, CA N 40° 50.786' W 122° 50.581' |
The 8th GPNDG is now in the history books, but was recorded photographically by the following people: |
The Great Pacific NorthWest Dryside Gather is the 'premier' WetLeather gathering (campout) of the year. The Gather'99 Boss Mike Chaplin has picked, for the first time, a site in California. The previous seven Gathers have all been in Washington or Oregon.
GPNDG'99 will be held at the Fawn Group Camp on Trinity Lake (also known as "Clair Engle" Lake). This is off Hwy-3 about 15 miles north of Weaverville, CA. Check the maps page, both and's online mapping tools are likely to mislead you...
Mike wrote in his initial announcement:
There is a commercial resort, PineWood Cove, within a half-mile of Fawn
where cabins and boat ramps are available. More info at a later date.
Within 1-3 hours of the campsite are more primo moto roads than you will
have time to explore in 3 days.
In addition to notifying you about the when & where, the other purpose of
this message is to SOLICIT VOLUNTEERS!!!
The Gather has traditionally been a very well organized event because of
its GREAT VOLUNTEERS. Please send me
Remember, Da-BOSS needs VOLUNTEERS!
The elevation
is about 2400' at the lake. May be a bit warmer than Crescent Lake in
August, but that's what the LAKE is for. We have 2 adjacent loops (B
& C) that are rated at 100 folks each and the forest is very thick here;
i.e. good shade. No Pavilion or electricity, but we do have piped water at
numerous locations and 3 times the number of FLUSH toilet facilities at our
previous location.
We are in the early planning stages and don't know what everything will
cost yet. Consequently, you will NOT be given a cost, or an address to
send money to, for at least a couple of months. Please be patience &
VOLUNTEER to help speed this process along.
Advanced registration is required for the volunteer food Bosses to have a clue how much stuff to buy and prepare beforehand.Cost: $35 for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
$25 for Saturday and Sunday onlyMake your checks out to "Shannon Kelley" and mail to;
Shannon Kelley
20000 NE Jaquith Road
Newberg, OR 97132-6694
+1 (503) 537-0802
Complete a Registration slip for each Gather attendee that you are sending money for and include these with your check to Shannon. Use this form (just print this page from your Browser):
Signup Form
(Click to open this form in a new window)Name: Email address: Check one: Carnivore, or Herbivore Check one: Fri-Sat-Sun ($35), or Sat-Sun ($25) REGISTRATION DEADLINE : July 24, 1999
Unused previous gather registrations will be honored. If you have a $40 from last year, you're in. If you have a $25 credit from 2 years ago, then you need to pay the balance for this year's reg. fee.
Want to check on who's signed up already?
There are three maps, four photos, plus some written directions available.
We have a special-purpose electronic mailing list to discuss The Gather. Volume is very low until awhile before, and just after, the actual event. To join send a simple 1-line message to with any subject (the Subject: line is ignored) and a message body of:subscribe GPNDG Suzy Creamcheesewhere you replace "Suzy Creamcheese" with your real name (no nicknames please). You will receive an automated reply welcoming you to the list, and information about how to unsubscribe, set various configurable options, etc. Don't forget to save the message for later reference...
All volunteers are enthusiatically invited to contact Mike or the appropriate sub-boss (bOSS):
Da BOSS: Mike Chaplin volunteered for the job of Principal Hoser this year. Check out his Web pages, then send him some email and offer to help out yourself! The Gather doesn't work without volunteers...
Friday Dinner: Rick McKee Saturday Breakfast: Jim Franklin (w/Squido & BBQslayer) Saturday Lunch: Saturday lunch is your responsibility, but snacks will be around the serving area. Saturday Dinner: Leigh Ann Hussey Sunday Breakfast: Sunday breakfast will be a self-serve affair with bagels, muffins, fruit, etc. Cold Beverages: Roger Bridenstine Hot Beverages: Martin & Carol Golding Dessert: 'ln' ( aka Ellen Carrico and the WetLadies Chocolate and Mischief Society $$$: Shannon Kelley ( is Finance Minister. Transport: Music: Misc.: Web stuff: H. Marc Lewis (
DaBOSS & SubBOSSES need your help. Additional cooks, servers, clean-up crews, etc. are needed for all meals. Please volunteer for everything you can and be specific as to which meals and assignments you can help. THANKS!
The Gather needs to borrow an enclosed trailer & a portable (1000- 1500W) generator while at the campground. Please contact DaBOSS if you can help us save these rental costs.